The study of an architectural project is the studied synthesis of a given project's various constraints throughout the conceptual and design phases continuing on to its formalisation. This path is constituted by either the application of referential similar studies, or the creation of new and unique solutions to the project's constraints. The question of the articulation of an architectural project is directly related to the ingestion of the large amounts of information relevant to a given situation. To know where to find this information then becomes a question of intuition. The ability to assimilate all the relevant factors relating to a project, at varying degrees of proximity, is the challenge.
The question of the architectural project isn't therefore put before any technical considerations but it is important to understand all the factors by which it is surrounded. These include the position of the owners, architects, consultants, urban planners, engineers, economists, future users, as well as, of all the material of construction: site, neighbourhood, history, geometry, geology, sociology, ethnology, phenomenology, poetry, time etc...The synthesis isn't just an accumulation of the various parts, but rather their relationship in a manner which is more or less conscientious and intuitive. Our team does not consider architecture as an isolated action but rather as an addition of skills and an exchange or knowledge. We privilege a method of associative conception with the intention of responding with the greatest relevance and professionalism as our backer.